
 Hi, my name is Amil Husain. I'm a creative director. Thanks for coming.

Hi, my name is Amil Husain. I'm a creative director. Thanks for coming.

 I just moved to the Bay Area from the East Coast.

I just moved to the Bay Area from the East Coast.

 I used to work with Weber Shandwick managing a team of 17 copywriters, designers and video producers.

I used to work with Weber Shandwick managing a team of 17 copywriters, designers and video producers.

 We made great work for TV, print, and social.

We made great work for TV, print, and social.

 And I worked with clients like  Got Milk?,   Bank of America ,  Weight Watchers , Verizon Wireless and  Anheuser-Busch

And I worked with clients like Got Milk?, Bank of America, Weight Watchers, Verizon Wireless and Anheuser-Busch

 Maybe we could work together to make awesome creative.

Maybe we could work together to make awesome creative.